Are you interested in how we can speak foreign languages smoothly?

What makes us be able to have a conversation fluently in foreign language? If people knew the answer, they would not have trouble with conversations with the language.
Some people believe that it may depend on their circumstances or where they grew up. As I see it, there is something in what they say. That is because the process people master their native language is definitely different from that one people master foreign languages.
It comes near to stating the obvious that grammars are vital to master foreign language. However, I would say that one of the essential elements for fluent conversation in foreign language would be pronunciations rather than grammars.
The Reasons Why Japanese People Tend to Be Weak in Speaking English
A large number of Japanese people including me cannot speak English fluently although they had studied the language for 6 years, in their junior high school and high school. I believe that there are some reasons.
First of all, there are not so many opportunities to speak English and listen to natural English sounds in Japanese schools. Most of the Japanese people are unfamiliar with speaking it. As well as that, they do not have a confidence to understand what is said in English.
Secondly, when Japanese students have a conversation in English in their class, they talk each other automatically. It means that they only read aloud English sentences written in their textbook without thinking what they say. Using some materials which students are curious about in their class, Japanese teachers who teach English to their students need to give them good opportunities that they can talk not only each other but also one another in English. It is recommended that students study and use the language spontaneously in their class.
Last one is that a lot of Japanese people hesitate to speak English because they feel embarrassed. That makes them miss the experience to speak it.
Grammars vs. Pronunciations
As I wrote first, pronunciations would be more vital than grammars. However, that is in the case of fluent conversation in foreign language. Native speakers can speak their native language even though they do not study the native language grammars. They have heard the natural pronunciations since early childhood. Besides, at that age, they are really curious to imitate and mimic the pronunciations and how to speak in their language which are always used around them. As for me, I talk to someone in Japanese, which is my native language, without thinking of Japanese grammars. On the other hand, when I read or write English sentences, I really consider of English grammars. Additionally, when I speak English, I actually have a tendency to be concerned about the grammars.
About two and a half years ago, I took and completed Certificate Ⅳ in TESOL course at a language school in Australia. TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language. I studied how to teach English in English there. My teacher from British told me that fluency was more important than accuracy in conversations. I guess that she meant that I was worried about English grammar too much in conversations.
As a matter of fact, both of pronunciations and grammars are vital to utilize languages. The former is for fluent conversation. The latter is particularly for reading and writing. It seems very effective to imitate natural pronunciations and grammars and keep the balance of them.
A Woman Who Became Able to Speak a Foreign Language Smoothly
Dakota Rose, who is from the USA, is a fashion model in Japan. She is also known as a ‘Real Barbie Doll’ and can communicate with others in Japanese as fluently as Japanese people can. Her Japanese pronunciation sounds natural.
According to her, she was into Japanese anime and fashion before coming to Japan. Her Japanese skills are surprising for Japanese people. Even though most of them have had a very hard time in mastering English for a long time, she already has the capacity to interact with others in Japanese.
She told us, but from my perspective, she has a really good hearing. Besides, as I see it, she has a wonderful talent to acquire new knowledge by listening to something. I do not know if she can write and read Japanese sentences well because I have never seen her writing and reading them. However, I cannot help feeling impressed with her when I listen to her talking with someone in Japanese. Perhaps, she is not afraid of grammar mistakes in conversations.
In the following Youtube clip from “All Night Nippon W”, she is having an interview in Japanese.
In the interview, she said that she had lived in Japan for three years. I think that it is worthwhile watching this one once.
The Summary
If you desperately want to become able to speak a foreign language, I recommend that you learn one with what you really like such as movies, books and something like that.
Dakota Rose learned the Japanese language with Japanese anime and fashion. As for me, I like watching English TV Dramas. I watch “Fuller House” on Netflix and hear the English sounds every day. Some people use the app, named “Hello Talk”. They speak or write what they like.
I believe that you have the things you really like and interested in. Let us come into contact with natural foreign pronunciations. At this time, it would be better to imitate and mimic native speakers and think what they say. As I have not become able to speak English smoothly yet, I still have to practice it.