Let's state in English and Japanese

・Welcome to My Web Site・

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
1年ほど滞在した海外から戻ってきてからしたいことがあったにもかかわらず、残念ながらそれと全く関係ない業界に導かれることになり、したいことを形にできていない自分が、何とかやってみようと藻掻いてみるサイトです。 興味関心ごとをアップしていく予定です。音楽や書道などの日本文化、日本語と英語の違いの面白さなどに触れてみませんか。Japanese Culture in English! Why don't you learn Japanese culture? みなさんとともに素敵な空間にできたらと思います。 (※ユーザーが投稿するコンテンツ等(引用文献等を除く)の著作権はユーザーに帰属します)Ken-aka-Yammy

Thank you very much for visiting my web site and this page. I would like you guys to let me introduce a little myself and this web site I created. It would be great if you could read the following sentences.


Introduction of myself and this web site

My online name is Ken (a.k.a Yammy). You guys call me Ken or Yammy. Using a part of my real name and nickname, I created this online name.

I like watching English TV dramas such as ‘Fuller House’ and ‘The Big Bang Theory’ as well as Japanese comic dialogue and skit. I like singing various songs, too. I am keen on calligraphy. When I work on calligraphy activities, I usually use another name called Seiryu.

After I had graduated my university, I was with a special needs education school for three years. As for now, I work at a small bookstore in a university in Japan. However, I had stayed in Australia for one year and three months in total before I was employed in the association which is under the university.

At my first time in Australia, I was in charge as a Japanese teaching assistant in volunteer at a private school. After that, I got back to Japan to be engaged in the 23rd world scout jamboree held at Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan as one of the staff members. Then, I went to Australia for the first time in about four months on a working holiday visa and stayed for one year. At my second time there, I learned chalk art and how to teach English to others in English. Additionally, I worked on a radio activity and scouting activity. I worked at a bakery & bar with kind and friendly staff members from overseas….

This web site is mainly planned to be suitable for people who want to know about some kinds of Japanese cultures related to language, action and something like that. Perhaps, people who are curious about learning English might also feel it helpful.

※cf. scouting(the 23rd world scout jamboree)

The reasons I created this web site


I should have got a job related to English and improved my English skills since I managed to complete ‘Certificate Ⅳ in TESOL course’ at a language school in Australia. Although I have studied English and been abroad, it is still hard and tough for me to use and speak it appropriately. There are several reasons I created this web site.

  • To make some opportunities that I can enhance and utilize my English skills and interact with someone who uses the English language.
  • I would like not only to express what I like or feel but also to make use of my experience such as studying English and working on calligraphy activities.
  • Through my web site, I hope to help people who visit here to feel relaxed, get some information from what I put, and have a good time.

As I wrote, I am employed at a small bookstore in a university in Japan. It caused that the then chief director in the association which involves the bookstore offered me the job, so I ended up belonging to the place after all. I have a lot of things I want to say, but I will not do right now on this page. Fortunately, from my feeling, I have been blessed with staff members in my current department, the bookstore.

My current job does not involve English at all as you guys imagine. There is no opportunity to utilize the language. As a matter of fact, I feel that my English skills are getting poorer more than before. It is definitely necessary for me to look for the chance to use English in my daily life. Considering what I can do, I decided to show mostly some kinds of Japanese things on the web in English to many people.


For the Development of this web site in the future

My web site is still under construction. I will renew it little by little. In order to advance it, I still need not merely to have knowledge about many kings of Japanese things, but to learn English as well as Japanese. If you guys want to know or check about some Japanese cultures, I hope that you will visit my web site again and again. Besides, it will draw a lot of support from people who want to know about those ones or language like English or Japanese. I am aiming to make the situation like the above one. As I see it, it may be the best way that I and all you guys who are willing to support the web site can create the situation.

I put a couple of my SNS pages as an additional information about me. I would highly appreciate if you could come to my web site again and register for my YouTube channel mainly in Japanese.

Twitter: @koshidean/HelloTalk: Please search 64310.

YouTube:Sound Madia Programme(in Japanese)

Thank you so much for your support and time. I will hope that I can see you again.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
1年ほど滞在した海外から戻ってきてからしたいことがあったにもかかわらず、残念ながらそれと全く関係ない業界に導かれることになり、したいことを形にできていない自分が、何とかやってみようと藻掻いてみるサイトです。 興味関心ごとをアップしていく予定です。音楽や書道などの日本文化、日本語と英語の違いの面白さなどに触れてみませんか。Japanese Culture in English! Why don't you learn Japanese culture? みなさんとともに素敵な空間にできたらと思います。 (※ユーザーが投稿するコンテンツ等(引用文献等を除く)の著作権はユーザーに帰属します)Ken-aka-Yammy

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